How to make the Windows Phone Toolkit ToggleSwitch Header wrap

I’m going through the Windows Phone Toolkit bugs fixing some of the low hanging fruit and came across this bug where a ToggleSwitch with a long header is clipped.  The proper Metro behavior is that it should wrap which is easy enough to do on a TextBlock.  The rub though is that the Header is represented by a ContentControl, not a TextBlock.

ContentControl makes it easy to put whatever you’d like into the Header; images, other controls, buttons, etc. and is the standard Silverlight way of representing content.  This is great for an open-ended environment like the Silverlight plug-in where each app has it’s own UI but on the phone you want as close to the Metro UI as you can get.  In a perfect world (or just one with a time machine) we would have made Header a TextBlock with wrapping turned on but, well, we didn’t.  We’re still debating if we should just make the switch and deal with the fall out but until then here is a super simple way to ensure your Header text wraps when it needs to:

<toolkit:ToggleSwitch Header="This is an example of a really long description label for localization">
            <TextBlock FontFamily="{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyNormal}"
                        FontSize="{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}"
                        Foreground="{StaticResource PhoneSubtleBrush}"
                        Text="{Binding}" />

Which gets you:


If you’re going to do any type of localization I recommend you make this change to all your ToggleSwitch controls.