In keeping your dog healthy and comfortable, it is essential to brush your him regularly with a slicker brush. Whether your dog is high maintenance or not, they need regular brushing.
Follow these easy tips!
A Bit of Background on Grooming

While animals, dogs for that matter, may lick, scratch, or wear down their nails. These grooming behaviors are inactive mechanisms for cleanliness and good health.
Dogs are a particular case. Compared to other animals, there’s a broad spectrum of how much dogs require help in grooming. This is because, for hundreds of years, dogs were domesticated and bred selectively. It diversified dog breeds with different traits.
I was a dog owner; unfortunately, my dog Penny died recently. Aside from that, I have also worked in a doggie daycare and grooming salon. I have seen both extreme sides of the grooming spectrum: from extremely groomed to extremely neglected.
But do not rush on passing judgment on owners, it’s not always because they are awful human beings but most of the time this is due to ignorance of the dog’s needs.
I was lucky; Penny was low maintenance. She was a Shepherd-Boxer Collie mix, 55 lbs, and had medium thick fur. Her grooming routine was necessary, and I didn’t have to put in a lot of energy at the time into keeping her groomed.
But not all dogs are like her.
Grooming has been associated as a luxury expense. People most often think they need a lot of money, time and effort for their dog to be groomed. But the costs will be greatly reduced if only you regularly comb your dog at home. This will make the visits to the groomer shorter, less uncomfortable, and generally make the experience positive.
Enter the Slick Brush
Regardless of your dog’s hair type, brushing is not optional. Shedding makes them uncomfortable. It happens all year round, but it is worse in spring where they get rid of the extra fur from the winter. It’s heavy, hot, and itchy. Dogs with long thick hair will need to roll around to try to get rid of it to relieve them.
Use your slicker brush almost every day during springtime to prevent tangles and mats. Depending on your dog’s coat, once a week to once every two weeks would be enough all year round. Keep the routine to about 5-15 minutes to prevent hair damage and skin irritation.
Despite regular brushing, some dogs form mats. On the other hand, mats are also a sign of neglect. Mats are knots of entangled fur that can get heavy enough to pull your dog’s skin. It can also be a source of bacteria as it collects dust and dirt. Shaving the fur off is what professionals usually do to get rid of the mats.
Brushing your dog’s fur gives them the same comfort as you get from brushing your own hair. It also gives you a chance to check for parasites and dirt build up.
Proper Dog Brushing Technique
It’s a pretty simple grooming procedure, but you can screw up even the most straightforward process. So here are the basics that will help you brush your dog correctly.
1. Follow the direction of your dog’s fur when brushing as brushing against it is painful and uncomfortable. Although there are dogs with fur types that need to be combed against the grain, it should be done gently, and the fur must be brushed back to its normal direction.
2. In short motions, brush down and out to grab loose hair.
3. Be extra gentle in brushing hair on the face or the stomach. It is where the hair is thinner.
4. Make sure to cover as much area as possible. Do not brush just on one spot for too long; it can cause skin irritation.
5. Do not skip tangle prone , e.g., armpits, behind the ears, and tail.
6. If you encounter a tangle, untangle it carefully don’t just pull it. You can try wetting the knot and use a comb for detangling. If there’s a mat, it’s best to ask for professional help.
Here’s a video to show you the process in action: