Getting the right brush for your dog might just be as important as getting the right food for your dog. Brushing is a crucial way to keep your canine healthy apart from the fact that it will make your dog look stylish. And even though hair brushing is essential, it serves many other functions which many dog owners are unaware of.
Importance of Using a Dog Slicker Brush
Hair brushing helps to clean and massage the skin of the dog but it also helps stimulate the release of a useful oil known as sebum. Sebum is released by the sebaceous gland which is located at the base of the hair follicle when the hair is gently tugged from a slicker brush. Brushing will then spread the sebum, coating, lubricating and protecting the hair shaft which results in a healthy glow of the hair surface and also provides more flexibility to the hair. Therefore, more frequent brushing will lead to healthier hair, easier to be managed and style. Brushing also helps to remove trapped dirt, scales, and oils from the hair, keeping it clean.
But before you go ahead and just grab any old slicker, we suggest taking a look this list of slicker dog brushes: https://slickerbrush.com/for-dogs/
Why use a slicker brush for dogs?
Slicker brushes have fine, short metal bristles and mainly used to further smooth out the hair of the dog after using the basic pin brush. It is also used to remove mats from long coats of dog’s fur especially those longer haired dogs such as the Cocker Spaniels, Terriers, and even Golden Retrievers. Some designs also have a self-cleaning option where the hair can be lifted up from the base of the brush with just a push of a button, allowing you to remove the hair easily from the brush. The metal bristles are sharp. Thus it is not advisable to use them near the dog’s eyes. However, for dogs with a thin coat of hair, a slicker brush may be harsh for them.
Will a Grooming Brush Hurt my Dog?
A brush will not hurt your dog, literally, but an improper way of using the slicker brush will. Brushing through a dense, curly long coat of hair will put pressure on the hair shaft. Thus there is a tendency of breakage when too much force is exerted. The proper way of using the slicker brush is the “pat and pull” method which uses a round wrist action.
Pat and Pull Method with the Slicker Brush for Dogs
The Pat and Pull method can be applied for most dogs to reduce injury to your furry friend. Start by making sure the handle of the brush is pointed upwards, and then “pat” the brush straight into the coat of hair, ensuring that the brush is flat. Brush the coat with the middle bristles and not just the first few top rows. Then “pull” the brush out and through the coat of hair with a slight upward motion, ensuring that the brush is flat.
You can also choose to brush the dog in a downward stroke, just changing the pointing position of the handle of the brush. Just point the handle downwards and using the same “pat and pull” motion in and out of the coat with the brush. This can also be used for sideway strokes too. At all times, repeatedly use the “pat and pull” motion as you work your way through the thick coat of your dog. It is recommended to start from the lower parts of the dog, such as the legs and slowly working your way upwards to the body and lastly the head.
Do not drag your brush through the coat as it will damage and certainly cause hurt to your dog. If you encounter any mat, keep your brush flat, and slowly but gently repeatedly “pat and pull” until you work the mat out. Try not to use a comb if you want to save the coat of the dog. It is recommended that by brushing a little slower, allowing the hair to go through the brush, more fur can be saved and not damaged. After complete brushing of the coat, you can brush the coat of your dog again with longer strokes and gentle motion, making it feel comfortable and not afraid of being brushed again.